Mike co-founded Bombora Group in 2014 alongside Brett Chenoweth and Mike Everett.
Mike is a former Operational Partner of Ironbridge, a private equity firm with $1.5bn funds under management, at which he led and was involved in a number of transactions across a variety of different industries. Prior to this, Mike was a Partner of Ernst & Young.
Mike has significant Board experience including currently serving as non-Executive Chairman of Janison Education Group Limited (ASX: JAN), Beamtree Holdings Limited (ASX: BMT), Design Milk Co Limited (ASX: DMC) and Orbx Limited and is a Non-Executive Director of Mad Paws Holdings Limited (ASX: MPA), Gratifii Limited (ASX: GTI), 90 Seconds Holdings Limited and Ringers Western Limited.
Mike is a Member of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Accountancy) from the University of South Australia.